Editioning Policy

I make my platinum and silver gelatin prints in limited editions of eight or twenty four, with up to two artist's proofs.

Limited Edition Prints

I identify my limited edition prints as follows:

  • The title and edition number are below the image, on the left (e.g. “Knotted Up 3/8”)

  • My signature is below the image, on the right

I provide a signed certificate of authenticity with all limited edition prints.

I reserve the right to change my interpretation of an image during the edition. This means that prints made later in the edition may look different, sometimes substantially different, from a print made early in the edition.

The edition limit applies to prints of a particular size and medium. I reserve the right to make future editions at a substantially different size or in a different medium. “Substantially different” means at least twice (or half) the original size. Examples of different media could be platinum, silver gelatin or digital prints.

Hors de Commerce Prints

In addition to the limited edition prints, I may make a small number of ‘hors de commerce’ prints, for example as commercial proofs or samples. I identify hors de commerce prints by writing “H/C” where the edition number would otherwise be (i.e. next to the title under the image).

Work Prints and Artist’s Proofs

Finding the best treatment for a particular negative is often a bit of an exploration, during which I may try different printing parameters, crops and other experiments. I often make quite a few work prints as I explore. These may be be beautiful prints in themselves, but for a variety of reasons none of them are ‘just right’ for the edition.

Normally I glue work prints into a scrapbook for future reference or destroy them. However sometimes I may keep them in my personal collection as artist’s proofs. These are clearly identified by writing “A/P” next to the title. I do not sign artist’s proofs.

Prints Made Before 2016

Prints made before 2016 may not have followed the conventions described above. Please contact me for further information.